Tag Archive for: Elena Foresto Photographer

Leica Q2 Monochrome

Leica Q2 Monochrome


I wouldn’t want to talk about this camera from a technical point of view, there are many better expert reviews than me.

There are encounters in your life that surprise you, love at first sight, passions that mark you, people or moments that will forever remain within you.

They are vivid emotions, they are sharp contrasts, they are light or shadow.

My world has always been a gray scale.

I was happy in the dark room when I was printing on barytax photographic paper, I saw a photo being born under my eyes.
Taking a Leica Q2 Monochrome in your hand is this. Emotion, love, memories.

The beauty of discovering something for the first time or for me the memory of a passion that has marked me for life. Photography.

Try this camera and let yourself be carried away by what you hear and see through it.

The rest is superfluous.

Thanks to Leica Camera Italia for giving me the opportunity to try this wonderful camera



Non vorrei parlare di questa macchina fotografica dal punto di vista tecnico, ci sono molte recensioni di esperti migliori di me.

Ci sono degli incontri nella tua vita che ti sorprendono, colpi di fulmine, passioni che ti segnano, persone o momenti che per sempre rimarranno dentro di te.

Sono emozioni vivide, sono contrasti netti, sono luce o ombra.

Il mio mondo è sempre stato una scala di grigi.

Ero felice in camera oscura quando stampavo su carta fotografica baritata, vedevo nascere una foto sotto i miei occhi.
Prendere in mano una Leica Q2 Monochrome è questo. Emozione, amore, ricordi.

La bellezza di scoprire qualcosa per la prima volta o per me il ricordo di una passione che mi ha segnato per la vita. La fotografia.

Provate questa macchina fotografica e lasciatevi trasportare da quello che sentite e vedete attraverso di lei.

Il resto è superfluo.

Ringrazio Leica Camera Italia per avermi dato la possibilità di provare questa meravigliosa macchina fotografica.

The beauty of Florence

Florence as you’ve never seen it before!

The beauty of Florence

Firenze è una piccola città, ma racchiude tesori inestimabili che tutto il mondo viene a visitare
in ogni stagione dell’anno, specialmente a Primavera.
Oggi, a causa del lockdown voluto dal Governo Italiano per contrastare il Covid, è una città praticamente deserta.
Ho voluto realizzare un servizio fotografico che raccontasse questi giorni, unici, da un punto di vista diverso… il mio.
Mi ha accompagnato la mia compagna che con me ha respirato questa surreale atmosfera, intrisa di incredibile melanconia.
Eppure, allo stesso tempo, ci è sembrato un privilegio: la sensazione di avere la città solo per noi.
Abbiamo notato particolari che normalmente non avremmo colto: i colori abbaglianti delle facciate delle chiese dai marmi bianchi, ma anche la polvere sulle vetrine dei negozi abbandonati, immobili con la posta a giacere all’interno.
Si cammina distanti con la mascherina sul viso, come se la paura fosse ormai addosso e dentro ognuno di noi.
Una giornata di sole caldo illumina le strade e le facciate dei vicoli.
A volte ho come la sensazione di vivere un momento irripetibile, che da una parte
mi angoscia e dall’altra mi rapisce per la bellezza di Firenze che i miei occhi vedono e il mio obbiettivo fotografico immortala.
Non voglio dimenticare queste sensazioni, anzi, vorrei portarle con me come un viaggio in un paese straniero.
Così le racconto a voi, pur sapendo che ognuno le vivrebbe in maniera diversa.
Perché siamo unici e irripetibili, questo si sa.
Ho realizzato queste foto con la Leica Q
Lente: 28 mm f.1.7

The beauty of Florence

Florence is a small city, but it contains priceless treasures that the whole world comes to visit
in every season of the year, especially in spring.
Today, due to the blockade wanted by the Italian government for contrast, Covid is a practically deserted city.
I wanted to create a photo shoot that told these unique days from a different point of view … mine.
My partner accompanied me who breathed me this surreal atmosphere, imbued with incredible melancholy.
Yet, at the same time, it seemed to us a privilege: the feeling of having the city alone.
The beauty of Florence
We noticed details that we would normally not have caught: the dazzling colors of the white marble facades of the churches, but also the dust on the windows of abandoned shops, motionless with the mail to lie inside.
You walk away with the mask on your face, as if fear were already on you and inside each of us.
A warm sunny day illuminates the streets and facades of the alleys.
Sometimes I have the feeling of living an unrepeatable moment, which on the one hand
anguish and on the other hand kidnaps me for the beauty of Florence that my eyes see and my photographic lens captures.
I don’t want to forget these feelings, on the contrary, I would like to take them with me like a trip to a foreign country.
So I tell them to you, even knowing that everyone would experience them differently.
Because we are unique and unrepeatable, this is known.
I made these photos with the Leica Q
Lens: 28 mm f.1.7





A few days ago I was in Milan, invited by Leica Camera Italia for a new project.

The idea is to gather, present and share the best Italian professional photographers who have chosen not to compromise and develop

their professional activity and their artistic dimension having quality as their first critical factor.

There have been many candidates but the group is currently small.



In our view, the strength of a professional network is not measured in a quantitative sense. Instead, it is based on a common vision,

artistic and managerial approach to the profession, the shared desire to offer its customers not something more but something better, different,

with the desire to stand out because of who you are, without homologate to trends or fads.

The Certified by Leica photographers share these values ??and this approach and represent a sound choice for both business and private clients.



Thinking that such a famous brand, indeed the most prestigious both for its history, innovation and the advanced technology of its products, has chosen me to represent it makes me feel “important”.

I really believed in this radical choice of changing my photographic equipment, I also had to change my photographic style because the mirroless have a clear setting compared to the traditional reflex.


During these days in Milan, Toni Thorimbert, the famous fashion photographer, came to visit us and told us about his experience in choosing the Leica brand,

he has been identified as “crazy” or “strange”, and these are sensations or perceptions that I can also relate to in my field. I’m proud to go outside the box and not to conform, this is also part of being Leica.

The project includes many new ventures, such as exhibitions and workshops at the Italian Leica Stores; I already have a reportage exhibition on the last trip to Oman scheduled for November.

For now I will try to concentrate on the wedding season, always accompanied by my extremely reliable Leica.





Qualche giorno fa sono stata a Milano, invitata da Leica Camera Italia per un nuovo progetto.

L’idea dei Certified by Leica è quella di raccogliere, presentare e condividere i migliori fotografi professionisti italiani che hanno scelto di non scendere a compromessi

e di sviluppare la propria attività professionale e la propria dimensione artistica avendo come primo fattore critico la qualità.

Ci sono state molte candidature ma attualmente il gruppo è ristretto.



Nella nostra visione, la forza di un network professionale non si misura in senso quantitativo. Si fonda invece su una comunanza di visione, di approccio artistico e manageriale alla professione,

al desiderio condiviso di offrire ai propri clienti non qualcosa di più ma qualcosa di migliore, di diverso, nella capacità diffusa di volersi e sapersi affermare per ciò che si è, senza omologarsi a trend o mode passeggere.

I fotografi Certified by Leica condividono questi valori e questo approccio, e rappresentano una scelta sicura sia per la committenza business che per quella privata.


Pensare che un brand così famoso, anzi sicuramente il più prestigioso sia per la storicità che per l’innovazione e la tecnologia avanzata dei suoi prodotti, abbia scelto me per rappresentarla mi fa sentire che posso fare la differenza.

Ho creduto molto in questa scelta radicale di cambiamento dell’attrezzatura fotografica, ho dovuto modificare anche il mio stile fotografico perché le mirroless

hanno una diversa impostazione rispetto alle tradizionali reflex.


In questi giorni a Milano è passato a trovarci Toni Thorimbert, famosissimo fotografo di moda additato come “pazzo” o “strano”, che ci ha raccontato la sua esperienza nella scelta del brand Leica:

sensazioni o percezioni che ho riscontrato anche nel mio settore.

Sono felice di uscire fuori dagli schemi e dal coro, essere Leica è anche questo.

Il progetto prevede molte nuove iniziative, come ad esempio alcune mostre e workshop presso i Leica Store italiani; ho già in cantiere una mostra di reportage sull’ultimo viaggio in Oman, prevista per il mese di novembre.


Per ora cercherò di concentrarmi sulla stagione di matrimoni, sempre accompagnata dalle mie affidabilissime Leica.

Album of the Year 2018

Album of the Year 2018

Justina & Marc

This year I decided to change, I decided to propose something different from the last years of participation in ANFM.

I made a full color album after the last 4 years of black and white. I decided to insert only one photo per page because I wanted this one to tell that moment, so that the viewer could relive the marriage even if it was not present, a story.

Storytelling is the act of narrating, a discipline that uses the principles of rhetoric and narratology.

The term storytelling refers to the various types of narrative works, both audiovisual works and both literary works.
This is the exact definition. I wish there was this narrative in my photographs.

I hope you too can see what I see.

I thank the “family” of ANFM that every year stimulates me and always gives me new visions to improve and learn.
This wedding album was made in Tuscany, Borgo di Castelvecchio.

Leica SL – Review

Leica SL – Review

Typ 601

24-MP-CMOS-Sensor (24 × 36 mm)

Full Frame (24 MP): 6000 × 4000 Pixel, APS-C (10 MP): 3936 × 2624 Pixel

Leica Vario-Elmarit-SL 24–90 mm f/2.8–4 ASPH

ISO 50–ISO 50000

Continuous fast F (11 fps)

Shutter mode: 1/8000 s

Video: 4K (4096 × 2160) @ 24 fps; 4K (3840 × 2160) @ 25 and 30 fps; 1080 @ 24, 25, 30, 50, 60, 100 and 120 fps; 720 @ 24, 25, 30, 50, 60, 100 and 120 fps

Monitor: Touch

Wi-fi and Gps

Imaging quality, performance, and versatility: the record values achieved by the Leica SL deliver clear proof that the mirrorless full-frame camera is the technology of the future.

An outstanding performance profile is not the only thing that speaks for the Leica SL.

The professional character of the camera is also defined by a control concept reduced to essentials, excellent handling, and extremely rugged resilience.

The Lica SL can be a professional mirrorless also suitable for weddings?

With this camera you start with a great revolution that is the electronic viewfinder with excellent levels both in the resolution is in the image refresh rate.

No more waiting, the picture is clear, sharp picture in the viewfinder. This allows to evaluate the picture, especially in low light. that in the first reflex was not possible.

Another point is the autofocus is fast! I often understood to frame the subject and just overflow the shutter button, the picture is already visible in the viewfinder, in perfect focus. This speeds up recently, for a mirrorless was unthinkable.

The sensitivity of a photographer is subjective. The tool that we use must have discrete caretteristiche, especially in wedding photography.

The Leica SL, is a very versatile tool, also for the perspective from which it was born: Vario-Elmarit-SL 24-90mm f / 2.8 to 4 an aspherical zoom.

This optic is made up of 18 optical elements in 15 groups and weighs 1,140 grams. It incorporates an optical image stabilization system with an effect equivalent to 3.5 stop.

This zoom is definitely weighed in the case of long and tiring days like weddings, advice to use a side strap or as I use, a double belt with 2 cameras attacked, my two camera bodies to balance the weight on your back.

Having too many Canon lenses, I bought an adapter that works perfectly (even autofocus) but only with optical “Series L” (red piping).

A very positive aspect and detail of Leica SL is simple, practical, almost no written, the only is the on-off button.

The four buttons on the back if you press them a little longer, do you direct access to shortcuts on the favorite features (for example, I personally have set: ISO sensitivity, Color Temperature, the focusing methods (MF – AFs – AFc).

The Leica was built in solid aluminum, very sturdy, with metal details, the p machine protected from the weather.

Very interesting is the rear display with touchscreen function, allows you to navigate through the images and enlarge the picture taken like a Smartphone,  the same also function to focus selectable by touching the screen.


Elena Foresto Photographer - LEICA


The EyeRes Viewfinder

The next generation of viewfinder technology

The Leica SL is the world’s first camera conceived for professional photography to feature an electronic viewfinder.

With a latency time below the threshold of perception and a resolution of 4.4 million pixels, this EyeRes viewfinder developed especially for the Leica SL offers an entirely new visual experience.

As its image can be electronically brightened, the EyeRes viewfinder is superior to optical viewfinders in low or unfavorable light.


Elena Foresto Photographer - LEICA SL

4K Video

For moving and moving pictures

The Leica SL is much more than a professional still-picture camera with video recording capability: it fulfills even the most stringent demands of moviemakers as a fully fledged video camera.

This begins with a clear and simple handling concept that clearly separates still and motion picture functions and ends with HDMI 1.4 output.

This allows professional videos to be output in 4:2:2 10-bit format with 4K cine resolution and the production of professional videos in combination with an HDMI recorder.

Elena Foresto Photographer - LEICA SL


High-Speed Autofocus

Faster than any SLR system

Capturing the ideal moment is not only essential in sport photography.

In combination with the LEICA APO VARIO-ELMARIT-SL 90–280 mm f/2.8–4, the Leica SL has the fastest autofocus of any professional camera – including SLRs.

The full travel of the lens, from infinity to its closest focusing distance, takes place in less than 110 milliseconds.

Elena Foresto Photographer - LEICA SL


Jewish Luxury Film

Jewish Luxury Film

Benjamin and Tara

Wedding Film in Florence

Elena Foresto Filmmaker

David Bastianoni Photographer

On 4th September 2016 I made a video for a luxury Jewish wedding for my bride and groom, Benjamin and Tara.

The location for was the Four Seasons in Florence and the marriage ceremony took place in the historic Synagogue of Florence. With the help of my second filmmaker Alessandro Ghedina, we followed every moment of the couple.

The men were handsomely dressed in black tie tuxedo and with the “mosaici” colours of the Synagogue that filtered through the windows the result was very cinematic.

The cocktail reception was held in the gardens of the hotel where the couple took had their photo shoot and afterwards everyone sat down for dinner outside.

Guests were in for more surprises throughout the evening with a majestic firework show accompanied by a string quartet. The evening ended with an incredible live concert and traditional Jewish dancing.

You can also see this page: https://www.elenaforesto.com/stories/jewish-wedding-filmjewish-wedding-film/

JEWISH LUXURY FILM Elena Foresto Photographer

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